The ever expanding ideas and products from one country to another is my working definition of globalization. It is common for Americans to not be so susceptible to change with regards to competition against other countries which leads to cultural imperialism today. Americans want to their own products out there and feel that they live in the best country in the world so they should be spreading their ideas and products to other nations. This leads to cultural imperialism, or the spreading of American products to countries with less means than the United States. Although "westernizing" countries has its positives, in the end it leads to a homogenized world, slowly becoming more and more bland with other cultures giving in and harmonizing with American ideals and products. CNN or "Cable News Network" in a U.S. company company founded in 1980 by Ted Turner. They are a prime examples of cultural imperialism because of the different regional programs they offer in many different nations. Once again an American company taking over an industry in other countries.